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Certificate Program

Department:Public Safety Training Center

School(s): Community Engagement & Development

MCC Program Code: LE02
CIP Code: 43.0107
NYSED Code (DCC): 01252

Apply to this Major.

New, Transfer, or Re-admit students should contact Admissions at (585) 292-2200 or

Request a Change of Major.

This certificate program in law enforcement develops the knowledge, skills and abilities in the law, the process of the criminal justice system, the scientific method of criminal investigation, applied psychology, report writing, interpersonal communication skills, human interaction techniques, and career specific physical and judgmental skills necessary for law enforcement agents operating in a free society. Enrollment is limited to recruit officers employed or sponsored by law enforcement agencies attending the New York State Basic Course for Police offered at the Public Safety Training Center.
(Housed in Public Safety Training Center)

Program Learning Outcomes
1) Successfully complete all mandated requirements as prescribed by the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services: Basic Course for Police Officers.

Employment Potential
For related jobs: Career Coach
Occupational Resource:

Requirements for Program Entrance
Enrollment is limited to recruit officers employed or sponsored by law enforcement agencies attending the NY State Basic Course for Police.

Distribution Requirements

Credit Hours
PLE 101 Fundamentals of Policing14
PLE 102 Police Proficiencies and Procedures18
PLE 103 The Community and Policing: Serving Special Populations14
PLE 104 Practicum in Policing I OR PLE 204 Practicum in Policing II4 or 16

NOTE: MCC has developed two courses to respond to field-based training: a four-credit option (PLE 104) and a sixteen-credit option (PLE 204). Students must meet with their faculty advisor to select the correct course to meet the field training hours required by their employers.

NOTE: An articulation agreement exists with the Department of Law and Criminal Justice in which this certificate program’s courses are awarded credit in either the Criminal Justice: Police, A.A.S. degree program or the Criminal Justice, A.S. degree program, upon matriculation. In some cases this credit is contingent upon successful completion of capping courses.